6 Japanese Fountain Pens To Help You Write Really Small

6 Japanese Fountain Pens
To Help You Write Really Small


When getting into the world of fountain pens, you may have seen that Japanese nibs and Western Nibs tend to be different sizes. What exactly does this mean? Well, the Japanese pens (let’s use Pilot) will run a full size finer than their Western (German and American) counterparts (let’s say Lamy). So basically, a Pilot fine nib is closest in size to an extra fine Lamy nib. What’s the benefit of this? Well, Japanese pens are a lot finer and allow you to write really, really small. As an added bonus, the finer the nib, the less ink it uses. If you find yourself flying through a cartridge or converter fill, maybe use a finer nib so that ink will last a bit longer. But what if you don’t write really small? It’s okay to like a finer line for your writing. Personally, I find that my handwriting looks best somewhere around a 0.7mm (medium nib) line.

This buying guide takes a look at 6 Japanese fountain pens that will help you write small!

Pilot Vanishing Point Fountain Pen Review Redux-2Pilot Vanishing Point – Extra Fine Nib – $150 

If you find yourself writing in margins of books or notes frequently, this is your pen. Not only does the EF nib write really tiny, but it also retracts easily for quick notes. Since there’s no cap to worry about, it can quickly and easily be put to use, then closed to prevent drying out. If you’re a student and into fountain pens, a Vanishing Point should be in your collection. BUY

pilot-mrPilot Metropolitan – Fine Nib – $13

The Pilot Metropolitan (or MR) is one of the best affordable fountain pens out there. When it was released a few years back, it was only available in a medium nib. That’s not the case anymore. You can now pick up a Pilot MR in fine nib, allowing you to write that much smaller! BUY

Pilot Custom Heritage 74-8Pilot Custom 74 – Extra Fine Nib – $76

Looking for something a bit more premium? Consider picking up a Pilot Custom 74. This pen has a gold nib, and will write really, really small. The body is no-frills plastic, but the nib more than makes up for it. It’s a classically styled pen that’s available in plenty of different colors. BUY

PreppyPlatinum Preppy Fountain Pen – Extra Fine Nib – $6.95

The Preppy was one of the first fountain pens I purchased. It’s a great affordable way to test the waters, and the nibs perform surprisingly well. This extra fine nib writes with a line that’s just around 0.2mm. This incredibly fine nib is great for taking notes in the margins, or even in between lines. BUY

Sailor Sapporo Extra Fine Fountain Pen 6Sailor Professional Gear Slim – Extra Fine Nib – $156

The 14k nib on this Sailor Professional Gear is one of the finest out there. I had one in my collection, but it was honestly just too fine for me. The nib wrote nice and smooth, but it wasn’t aligned with my preference in nib size. What does this mean for you? If you’re looking for a great pen that looks a bit different, check out this flat-topped Pro Gear. BUY

pilot-penmanshipPilot Penmanship Extra Fine – $7.00

Although I haven’t reviewed it, I have one of the Pilot Penmanships. It’s one of the finest nibs I’ve ever written with. The line it lays down on the page is like a single hair. It’s got a bit of feedback to it, but if you need to write really, REALLY fine, then consider the Penmanship. Best part about it? It’s only $7. The nib can be put into the Pilot MR if you prefer the body on that pen. It’s much better quality than the cheap plastic of this one. $7 for a replacement nib isn’t a bad deal though! BUY

Do you have a favorite extra fine nib? Let us know what it is in the comments below!

13 thoughts on “6 Japanese Fountain Pens To Help You Write Really Small

  1. I really like my fine Pilot Prera. Even thought it’s fine, it write smaller than my extra fines on other pens. It puts out a nice even line. The amount of ink is so limited, I don’t have issues writing on cheap paper when editing documents at work.

  2. Thanks for the recommendations. The Pilot Metropolitan is a great, inexpensive pen. I purchased it and the Platinum Preppy. Both great recommendations! I also like the Pilot Cavalier. It’s thin and writes extremely well for a $30.00 pen.

  3. I would recommend the Platinum “Desk Pen” too. Very inexpensive with a super nice EF nib, at a higher price bracket the Platinum UEF cannot be beat- its literally 0.10mm line width which is utterly crazy.

  4. Being a left-handed school teacher with a fascination for fountain pens that are reliable, well made, and don’t require consistent attention I missed seeing the Platinum Century 3776 with its ultra extra fine, extra fine, soft fine, medium and broad nib choices and “Slip&Seal” cap. As the company advertises the 3776-14k doesn’t dry out.skip until it runs out of ink. I haven’t purchased their stainless yet, but my 5 different pens work wonderfully..

  5. will any of those fine tip pens work with Platinum Carbon ink? I need to find the finest nib that will not clog with that ink (I prefer fountain pens for drawing). I do have the Platinum Carbon pens, and their EF nib isn’t fine enough, and neither are the finest TWSBI nibs.

  6. I have a Pilot Falcon Soft Extra Fine Nib, and I love it for writing tiny in my bullet journal. And actually, my favorite for writing letters is Broad. I think it is great to train myself to use different size nibs for different purposes.

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